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Relationship counseling

 It may be recommended to incorporate child/teen, individual, parent coaching.

Relationship Counseling is the umbrella term used to house various types of counseling for those in a relationship. Be that relationship with your best friend, fiancé (premarital counseling), life partner or spouse (marriage counseling), discernment counseling (considering divorce), ex-spouse, or co-parent – Relationship Counseling will help those in the relationship gain empathy, address issues, improve communication, overcome challenges, and resolve new ways move forward.

Best Friends Counseling – Friends come and friends go, but for a few who remain. Before letting go of the friend you were once so close to consider Relationship therapy.


Premarital Counseling – Are you and your loved one considering tying the knot? Begin your relationship with a solid foundation. Marriage is a big step and commitment, premarital therapy aids in setting realistic expectations, identifying areas of conflict (before they become serious issues), creating effective tools for conflict resolution skills, communication standards, boundaries, family planning, living and monetary arrangements, and more. This also helps to establish a relationship with a professional with whom both as individuals and as a couple you will feel comfortable reaching out to if/when the need arises.


Marriage Counseling – At the heart of it you used to have a beautiful relationship and you now find yourself wondering where did we go wrong. However, you do not need to be in a struggling relationship to seek marriage counseling. Marriage counseling can be beneficial for checking in on the relationship, strengthening your bond, and becoming better connected. Often times, when couples take the time to do this, they find it keeps their relationship alive.


The core of marriage counseling revolves around helping couples to understand and resolve conflict to improve the relationship. Through increased empathy couples develop the tools to communicate, problem-solve, and deal with conflict in a healthier more compassionate manner.


Discernment Counseling – Divorce is an impactful decision and it is worth taking the time to slow down. This time-sensitive counseling for those weighing their options and struggling with the decision to either divorce or stay in the marriage, discernment counseling can help couples find clarity. Sometimes called pre-divorce counseling, this brief form of therapy will aid in your ability to gain perspective, remove lingering doubts and judge your marital options.


Divorce Counseling – Sometimes the relationship is beyond repair and the couple has already made the decision to divorce. Here counseling focuses on the aftermath of the marriage. The best option is that divorce counseling can occur during and alongside the divorce process. However, although often times more difficult, it can be helpful at the conclusion of the divorce process as well to help heal wounds and allow divorced couple to move forward. Divorce is a painful and emotional process, counseling can help develop empathy for one another, accept responsibility, acknowledge roles, heal wounds, and amicably move forward. Additionally, there may be more tangible issues which can arise from being newly separated including a grieving process. Having an unbiased, supportive third-party can help transition through this major life-change.    


Co-Parenting Counseling- In co-parenting counseling the focus is on the child(ren) and the goal is to create a healthy amicable relationship between the parents. Co-Parenting counseling is an ideal next step after a divorce. Not only has your relationship changed but so has the parenting dynamic. While most logistical issues were likely worked through in court, co-parenting counseling helps to reduce further high-conflict interactions, tensions, misunderstandings. Co-parenting also helps to heal the relationship between parents, create forgiveness, open communication, how to model healthy relationships and feelings for the child(ren), the present and future needs of child(ren), and reframing perspectives around your ex. We also examine issues which may have come up during the divorce process from the child(ren), family, and friends. In short, we work to create an atmosphere of cooperation, teamwork, and regain balance in the parents and child(ren)’s lives.

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